An Embrace
Words, images that flip through
like a cartoon replayed in the '70s,
reminders of why it wasn't good
to go to war, and
why it was. A stage of mind
playing songs and the scream of sirens
clearing sidewalks, the hiss of rain
silencing boots in swamps.
Words and images that needed burying,
memories picked up and shaken
until all the loose bones fall
to the ground, exposed
for a son temporarily blinded
by his own China Beach.
All knowledge passes
through fingertips and palms
to the father, to the son -
the good and the bad.
Curved fingers tell of love
given and received. One
has grown, is enlightened,
the other begins a journey
with an embrace to remember
late at night.
Mother started a scrapbook
entered images, goodbye
embraces. One day
your children's children will hold
the book, flip through its pages
and wonder at the strangers within,
the slightly familiar faces
that are a strong facade
for the leaking souls beneath.
More words are withheld than spoken.
The air carries them, a soft embrace
that couples with ours, remembers
the firm touch, the pride, the fright,
and the fight that will bring the strength
to stiffen two spines. Both
will grow, will learn how to stand tall,
learn how to lean, to bend
to the will of others, to bathe
in the beauty of birthright.
It's not forgotten after the leave-taking,
the embrace will be remembered long
into those dark nights when scurrying insects
remind you, you are not the only living creature
on the planet and as the black wraps us
we will not forget the comfort we stole
in each others' arms, that brief moment
when we put all stoicism aside
and shared heartbeats that know
the sound of fear, the footfall of silence.
©K. Sweet
(photograph received from Texas T, thank you for the inspiration. my prayers are with this young man, and others who work to make our world a better place.)