The bones feel it
Shifting sands stoned to death a tree
stealing its soul, leaving the bones
laying on iron waves, limbs
reaching high as if in protest
at an agonising downfall. There is nothing
left, no life nor renewal of birth
for this tree, its parched skeleton
half buried in the black burning sand.
I like this one, it's really fun to see your inspirations, like the galveston one too.
Hope you had a splendid christmas, and have a wonderful extra-special new year too!
Hugs, Dave
I've finally figured out (I think) how to post here. I like this one.
Just like so many of your others, the imagery is very strong. You certainly have a wonderful gift for transforming images into words, and distilling the "thousand words" a picture is worth down to the purest of essence. ~ You are very good!
Thank you for the read! ~ Rybka
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